Well, gratitude has been on the radar big time.
There are no coincidences here. Well, definitely not in my belief.
The past two weeks in the course I am doing with Belinda Davidson, it's been all about the Heart Chakra, with one of the main ways to clear the Heart Chakra being, wait for it....expressing gratitude.
Another Earth angel spreading the "be grateful" message was Alexandra Frazen, with emails landing in my inbox encouraging me to contribute to her World Gratitude Day Story-Contest, where we had to thank someone and share the story with her.
With World gratitude day being on the 21st September.
To be honest, though I could find things to be grateful for, I was struggling to really feel it.
This was really obvious to me after a chat with a friend, as I noticed how gripped by lack I was.
It made me think of a passage {p.90, A New Earth} I had heard a million times from Eckhart Tolle where he says,
"The fact is: Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world. You are withholding it because deep down you think you are small and that you have nothing to give. Try this for a couple of weeks and see how it changes your reality: Whatever you think people are withholding from you - praise, appreciation, assistance, loving care, and so on - give it to them. You don't have it? Just act as if you had it and it will come."
The last straw was when I fell sick the very next day, early last week.
{Hence, the week long Monday Musing}
It really made me take a long hard look at myself, how I was creating this and how could I change it.
Though some of IT {my life} I felt at a real loss to change.
I knew my body was under immense stress as things were kind of getting desperate in the need a new home and job areas.
I know things would have been worse without my yoga, but I also knew I had to up the ante a bit.
In Gita style yoga, we talk about the immune system when we reach the 7th posture, here it is again...the heart chakra!
{Starting to see the pattern yet?}
Above the heart sits the Thymus gland which plays a huge role in our immune system.
So when the heart is full and loving, you're open to all of life and so too the immune system will be strong.
Hence, why practicing gratitude is one of the main ways to clear the heart chakra.
So I started the week focusing on my retreat and writing a post about how grateful I was for how wonderfully it all came together and what a good time everyone had.
It just didn't flow.
But I kept at it..
Focused on Tolle's words, at times I was simply being grateful for the fullness of my breath, or the breath itself, or I tried to focus on a healthy aspect of my body, like when my nose stopped running for teaching or an abundant area of my life.
These things helped to create a shift in me...
All this deep hard looking within could only serve to dish up one huge lesson in forgiveness.
Particularly as I realised the person I was struggling to forgive was myself for ending up in the predicament I have been in the past few months. And damn did I realise how hard I can be on myself.
I had 3 "teachers" show up on the same day highlighting forgiveness for me.
Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the heart and allows gratitude to soar once more!
So as I let go, bit by bit, little by little, I felt my heart soften and open.
At times, tears of gratitude came flowing forth from me.
I felt compelled to express my love and gratitude for those around me that had been supporting me.
And then in what seemed like the blink of an eye, a total miracle occurred...
I went from battling a cold on top of everything else and struggling to keep my chin up to being offered a secure place to live and a regular income that works in perfectly with everything else I do, all in a matter of a day.
Talk about one huge sigh of relief!
And just like that my cold lifted too.
It was a beautiful gentle reminder from the universe to say,
"Keep the faith. You're on the right path. Miracles do happen!"
It truly was a miracle. I couldn't have planned it better if I tried.
So, I wonder do you too need a gentle reminder?...
Is there something you need to let go of that could be blocking the flow of what you really want/need in your life?
Have you noticed the Universe sending you signals to take a look at something in your life?
I hope my story serves to inspire you to listen intently to the whispers of your heart and soul.
All the answers we are seeking are there.
We just need to pay attention.
Wishing your wildest dreams come true!
Infinite gratitude and love,
PS: If you have a wild dream you might like to check out this amazing woman. She planted a seed at the beginning of the year for me that has surprised me on so many occasions as things come to fruition.