You’ve made it to my coaching page, so maybe some part of you is seeking and dreaming of a better way of life or being in the world.
It’s time to answer that inner calling and put yourself first.
Coaching is a safe space I hold for the dreamers, the soul seekers and the brave who are feeling the pull to take the leap and chase that long held dream they’ve had.
You know the one?
It might be as simple as being your fittest, healthiest and best self.
Or to take that long held dream trip or start that big bold business.
Paulo Coelho calls it your Personal Legend.
A niggling feeling and ache inside that’s been around for ages, maybe even forever.
It calls you to do something maybe a little out of the ordinary to your every day life.
It’s your soul calling you to fulfill your life’s purpose.
The thing is, if your journey has been anything like mine, you’ve probably done some pretty amazing things in your life already...
you’ve traveled, have an amazing career, or may be raising a beautiful family.
But you’ve reached a point where your heart knows it’s finally time to pursue that dream, explore those niggling feelings and stop putting it on hold.
It’s not that you are unhappy or ungrateful for the life you live right now.
But there is just that something you have always wanted and if you don’t do something about it now, you know you will regret it later.
Because that feeling deep down just won’t go away.
Deep down you know there is more to this life you’re meant to be living, but you haven’t had the courage in the past to take the steps to get there.
But NOW is your time.
You have been making some subtle shifts and taken some steps, but now is the time to draw a line in the sand and go all in.
You’re looking for the support you know you’ll need for the journey ahead,
as you know stretching isn’t always easy, there are fears to be faced and doubts to be overcome,
and you are ready and willing to commit fully with the right support.
I’ve been there and know that feeling, and love nothing more than supporting women like you
who are ready to take the leap to do so in a safe and supportive space.
Coaching has helped me take the leap in so many ways,
and it can help you to take your life from where you are now to how you wish to be or where you want to be.
It all begins with a YES to your Self and your dream!
So if you are ready to say yes, to yourself, right here and right now.
If you would like to step a tiny bit closer to that line in the sand,
Click the button below, and let’s organize a complimentary chat, to get to know each other a bit better, and see if coaching with me is the right fit for you.
You’re looking for the support you know you’ll need for the journey ahead,
as you know stretching isn’t always easy, there are fears to be faced and doubts to be overcome,
and you are ready and willing to commit fully with the right support.
I’ve been there and know that feeling, and love nothing more than supporting women like you
who are ready to take the leap to do so in a safe and supportive space.
Coaching has helped me take the leap in so many ways,
and it can help you to take your life from where you are now to how you wish to be or where you want to be.
It all begins with a YES to your Self and your dream!
So if you are ready to say yes, to yourself, right here and right now.
If you would like to step a tiny bit closer to that line in the sand,
Click the button below, and let’s organize a complimentary chat, to get to know each other a bit better, and see if coaching with me is the right fit for you.
"Despite my trepidation in the beginning, I knew I could trust Natasha as she has a lovely, generous spirit. I liked that there were concrete steps and a definitive plan laid out to follow which made my goals seem achievable. The biggest change is that I no longer feel stuck. I feel like I can now achieve anything that I want to. Both my work life and personal life are more fulfilling & I have a deeper sense of calm. I have gained patience in terms of where I am in my life & now look forward to wherever I may choose to head. Life coaching with Natasha has been a fulfilling experience." |
"Coaching with Natasha was valuable, positive & life changing. Before coaching I was very overwhelmed and over loaded. It was very eye opening to learn so much about myself while trying to reach my goals. I gained some great tools to help me further develop myself, feeling better within myself has definitely helped me gain more confidence and reaching my set goals has made my life so much easier & joyful. I will use what I gained and learnt for the rest of my life. I’m deeply grateful to have had this opportunity." |
Once you say yes, I will send through a simple questionnaire to you to help you unravel your heart's deepest desires and dreams before our chat.
We will then connect for a soulful 30 minute complimentary chat to ensure we click and are the right team to work together to make it all happen for you.
We will then connect for a soulful 30 minute complimentary chat to ensure we click and are the right team to work together to make it all happen for you.
We will connect over six 60 minute fortnightly sessions in 12 weeks
In the first session we begin by getting laser focused on your goals. We draw that line in the sand and work on creating action plans, check in points, fear busting strategies as we move from session to session to ensure you are constantly inspired and moving towards your dream.
You’ll have 3 months of email support between sessions to keep you moving forward, celebrate wins and help move past your fears or doubts if they arise.
And I will be your loudest cheerleader and best accountability partner along the way to living your best life.
The Investment
Pay What You Can
Pre-Covid19 price: $300 per month or $765 when paid in full upfront (save 15%)
(Payment plans available. 4% additional fee added for credit card payments)
Feeling the call or just need to chat? Let's connect.
Click the button below to register your interest and book your free complimentary 30min chat.
In the first session we begin by getting laser focused on your goals. We draw that line in the sand and work on creating action plans, check in points, fear busting strategies as we move from session to session to ensure you are constantly inspired and moving towards your dream.
You’ll have 3 months of email support between sessions to keep you moving forward, celebrate wins and help move past your fears or doubts if they arise.
And I will be your loudest cheerleader and best accountability partner along the way to living your best life.
The Investment
Pay What You Can
Pre-Covid19 price: $300 per month or $765 when paid in full upfront (save 15%)
(Payment plans available. 4% additional fee added for credit card payments)
Feeling the call or just need to chat? Let's connect.
Click the button below to register your interest and book your free complimentary 30min chat.
"My coaching series with Natasha was inspiring, supportive and limit-busting! I had never done a coaching series before, so I wasn’t sure how much I could achieve in 3 months but was blown away with the support I received, the personal changes made and my business achievements, such as selling out my retreat day. Natasha made me feel safe to open up and was very present in our sessions, listening closely to everything I said. I felt she was 100% behind me and genuinely excited about the progress I made. Natasha’s intuition around what was really going on for me when I was thinking "I can't do it" as well as her suggestions were spot on. This awareness of how I limit myself and learning how to back myself and my business 100% I will take into the future of my business as I achieve greater success and it continues to grow. I will never forget these lessons or Natasha’s support. I couldn't be happier with what was achieved in this series and I highly recommend working with her." |
"After having undergone a substantial amount of change in my life, I wanted to compose a new life with deliberate and conscious attention. Yet I really was uncertain for what that ‘something new’ may be, how to invest my energy and resources, and what may be a good gauge for success. So it was encouraging to come across support in the form of coaching to explore achieving this! I wanted my life to be wild, brilliant and satisfying and coaching seemed so aptly relevant for an individual desiring this. My expectations were virtually none. I truly did not know what to expect or how much to hope for. I was in it for a thorough overhaul. From the first session I found myself very able to be honest and open with Natasha. I was genuinely excited for what may come of the series and simply grateful and pleased to have the opportunity. Coaching concluded with a gut load of searing clarity, as well as much joy and pleasure as a result of what I achieved for my projects and passions that were supported through the coaching process. I loved that coaching was all about me and for the results I have achieved." |
I really appreciated Natasha's energy and enthusiasm for coaching and my project. I have realised how important it is for me to have external guidance and accountability in order to take steps and she helped me to take action resulting in developing my private practice plan faster than I otherwise would have. Coaching with Natasha kept me motivated and gave me a sense of achievement I am grateful for. |
Coaching with Natasha was intuitive, grounded and inspired. I loved her coaching style and took so much out of our sessions! When we first connected, I lacked self-belief, wanted to work on my confidence and showing up more authentically. The biggest change is I am being more 'me' in the world and been able to connect with more like-minded people. Secondly, through working with Natasha, I was able to realise that the work I do is very similar to coaching and it's totally changed my mindset about my 9-5 job. The week of our final session I actually manifested a new job opportunity with a significant pay rise! I have no doubt it's connected to my new mindset and the way I've been showing up at work. |
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Image: Emma Louise Newby