Just an observation I've made in my own life...
If you've been on this journey with me for some time, you will know that I've dabbled with videos off and on for the past year. Not because I want to be a video super star (though that could have some advantages). Yes, because I want to share with you the amazing things that have changed my life. But more so, because I have always shied away from cameras and cringed at the sight of myself in videos... and when you're on the path to soulful heart centred living, you realise that there must be something in this. It's like Svadhyana, self study, in yoga.
You see, the things we are most afraid of,
are often the things that will bring us the most learning and growth.
The resistance to be on video and be seen is perfectly described by beautiful Michelle Marie McGrath from SacredSelf.com in her recent post. Why do we hold ourselves back and fear being seen? For me it's the usual, fear of rejection, not being enough, failure…you name it, there is an element of that in it for me. Even with writing blogs, these fears linger there in the background {if only you knew how many times I re-edit a post before I share it}.
But when you're in business or have dreams of making a difference in the world,
you can't really do that whilst hiding out in your Cancerian crab shell now, can you?! as Michelle so kindly reminded me.
So, from lessons learnt in the past I know that to take the power back I needed to face these fears head on to dispel the magnitude that they had grown to in my mind. Along with Michelle and a handful of other courageous women {and one man}, I enrolled in the amazing Andrea Glazier's Video Fame Academy. In which she has been most generously sharing all her expertise and holding our hands as she guides us to show up on video.
It's enlightening to observe the unrealistic fears and dramas that arise that hinder the path forward, when you decide to put yourself "out there", be vulnerable and seen. In the first week I had a mouth full of ulcers preventing me from talking. Then once you get over it and just get on with it, move past the self doubts, and step up to speak your truth, there's a sense of achievement and it is empowering.
The thing is that we all have a story and experiences to share.
We are all teachers in some way. Who do we serve by not sharing it, or not shining in our own way. I'm not suggesting everyone needs to be on camera, but rather be ourselves, the unique being that you are!
As Marianne Williamson shares in her powerful poem from A Return to Love,
"And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others."
And what would you know, I made a video I am kind of proud of. Well, it is officially only my second one, but I can already see the vast improvement that Andrea has helped me achieve. But most importantly, I hope it's message helps to inspire even just one person on this journey of Life as I share another journey to take the power back, this time over my hormonal health. So here it is...
most lessons in life are often just letting us know
when we are not standing in our full power!
So I'd love you to watch it and let me know what you think in the comments below.
Why not share if there was a lesson you too took away from my video that you can apply to your life?
Or do you have an experience of a turning point that led you to take the power back in your life?
Whether you have a hormonal issue or not, may there be something there for you.
Thanks so much for taking this journey with me.
Shine on lovelies!
In love and light,
Tash x