Last year's list was not quite achieved, I'm not sure these lists ever are in their entirety, but they serve as a reminder of what I seek to do, feel and achieve in the year ahead and where to focus my energy. I share them here that they may inspire you to write your own.
So with a big year ahead, 2017 is about maintaining a healthy level of balance, action and fun.
What will we do with you with your year?
1. Choose love 2. Play 3. Rest 4. Work hard 5. Be still 6. Get out in nature 7. Yoga daily 8. Meditate daily 9. Walk daily 10k steps 10. Swim in the ocean 11. Watch sunsets 12. Get up to watch the sunrise 13. Read a book a month 14. Complete BYCA Course 15. Save for a rainy day 16. Volunteer 17. Donate money 18. Cook more 19. Try new recipes 20. Have dinner parties 21. Yin Yoga TT in Bali 22. Go to Miami World Conference 23. Have fun at Disney World 24. Do the rides at Universal Studios 25. Cruise the Caribbean 26. Attend BYCA Inspiration Day 27. Visit Melbourne 28. Travel somewhere new 29. Do something new 30. Celebrate my birthday 31. Dance 32. Colour in 33. Draw mandalas | 34. Move house 35. Try new yoga classes 36. Plan trip to walk the Camino 37. Write blogs 38. Hold a workshop 39. Plan a retreat 40. Complete Meditation TT 41. Write meditations 42. Sleep early 43. Heal my thyroid 44. Go to Sydney Convention 45. Declutter 46. Simplify life 47. Journal 48. Make dream catchers 49. Practice gratitude 50. Eat 2 fruit 5 veg daily 51. Be mindful 52. Smile often 53. Seek Stillness 54. Buy a campervan 55. See a live act 56. Enjoy a bath 57. Go to school reunion 58. Finish Cafe work 59. Reconnect with friends 60. Make phone calls 61. Get massages 62. Have acupuncture 63. Watch movies 64. Go to the cinema 65. Buy from myself online 66. Make and play with henna | 67. Handstand February 68. Get a new Tattoo 69. Treat yourself 70. Create a vision board 71. Complete a fun run/walk 72. Get a hair cut 73. Dress up once a week 74. Go on a girls night out 75. Hang out with entrepreneurs 76. Meet new people 77. Listen more 78. Talk less 79. Start coaching 80. Find a coach 81. Workout 82. Watch movies 83. Unplug regularly 84. Zero inbox 85. Laugh lots 86. Be debt free 87. Practice random acts of kindness 88. Afternoon siestas 89. See Malaysian Family 90. Watch MotoGP races 91. Go on a silent retreat 92. Nourish body - eat well 93. Nurture mind - study 94. Visit the temple 95. Send birthday cards 96. Find time to be 97. Express appreciation freely 99. Buy a bike 100. Fall in love |