But if you do look all around you, you can see it.
The beauty of the leaves changing colour, the ground covered in leaves as the trees drop them, the shortening of the days and the lengthening of the nights!
It is such a rich sensual time, full of change everywhere.
Can you feel it?
The deeper I go into my yoga practice, the more I know undoubtedly that we are connected to one another, this world and universe we inhabit. The struggle for me is to find that balance where I flow with life as well as take action guided by my intuition, all whilst participating in this bustling world in which we live.
Each season holds a gift for us on this journey of life. Spring beckons with new beginnings, Summer entices us out to play and experience and then Autumn and Winter are about the letting go and drawing inwards that you can see everywhere around you in the natural world at this time.
But do you stop to actually acknowledge this shift within yourself?
Or do you keep pushing, resisting and ignoring your inner nature that wants to flow with life?
These are the questions that have been coming up strongly for me this month.
And as I have made the pack with myself to let my soul fly this year, I know this requires me to tune into me more, and I believe being in tune with the cycles of life is also a key.
So how am I heeding the call of Autumn?
Here are my 3 go to practices to help me embrace this season:
Number #1 - YOGA
{Of course! Did you think this wouldn't be on top of my list}
Yoga gives us the opportunity to turn inwards and tune into our bodies and ourselves as is the calling of this season. Svadhyana is the practice of Self study in yoga through observation. The more we observe and listen to our bodies, ourselves and our environment the more we pick up on the subtle energies, signals and messages that we are constantly picking up from around us which our busy minds often distract us from hearing.
DO IT: Now yoga doesn't always have to be about being on a mat or making it to a class. Why not make the simple pack with yourself to pause and tune into your body more regularly, be it even for one conscious breath. Try it now! Close your eyes, let you mind become aware of your body, sensations, feelings, the breath. Then ponder this, do you feel the urge to move in some way, have a stretch, lengthen the spine. Is the calling to move more or for more rest?
Number #2 - MEDITATION
To be honest my practice didn't really exist until I signed up for the School of the Modern Mystic last year with the conscientious intention to strengthen my meditation practice. And boy did it do that.
Meditation in great way to simply be with our thoughts, to watch them rise and fall just like the breath, and to be able to observe them without attachment or judgement, which allows us the opportunity to let go. Even on days that I don't feel like I've managed to reach any level of stillness in my mind, the simple act of sitting with the intention for one conscious breath, 5mins or half an hour has the positive effect of centring and grounding me.
DO IT: Now I know all the excuses for this one, because I have used them all myself! But I found a way to fit in more, particularly on busy days. I am a compulsive snoozer. I love the snooze button. So now instead of lying in bed wishing I could stay there longer, I use the first snooze to set a positive intention and then simply watch my breath. The second snooze is when I sit up in bed and meditate. Not ideal, but it works. Try it! At the very least I find my snooze meditations work a treat to start me off on the right foot. And when I have more time later in the day I usually work with this Chakra Cleanse meditation as it complements my Gita practice perfectly.
Eating in tune with the season, is another way to tune into its energies. This is one of the advantages I find with eating organic food, depending on where you shop, you can't really get fruit and veg that is not in season. And this year I have the added help of Simply Replenished's Holistic Autumn Cleanse. I have never done a cleanse before but when Jasmine asked me to contribute to her program I jumped at the chance as I had been wanting to do her cleanses for a long time, and this allowed me to. Contributing alone got me thinking about the energies of Autumn and how I could embrace them more. This coupled with the amazing information Jasmine shares and my yoga and meditation practice has really helped me to tune in, appreciate the changes around me and within me and offered me the opportunity to slow down and really flow with the energies of Autumn.
DO IT: As the weather cools down, try to embrace warmer, more nurturing foods for your body. Swap your smoothie for porridge, or add a little warm water to it so it's not so cold. I love how Jasmine has us commune with nature for at least 15mins a day too, she really does give you all the tools to not only cleanse the body, but embrace the season.
Inspired to embrace Autumn with me??
Comment below or click the pics to get more details about my go to practices.
Would love to see you in the Autumn Cleanse or will you join me for School of the Modern Mystics level one which starts April 7th. Yes, I loved it so much I'm doing it again! {Note: SoMM enrolment closes Monday 31st March}
Remember I am always here to help you with your home practice. Exciting news is that I am working on a way to make it easier for you to practice at home that may be a little more affordable than my current coaching packages.
Sign up for updates to be kept in the loop.
Here's to an Autumn well embraced & shedding the layers we no longer need!
Love & blessings,