In our physical world,
I guess you would say I am a yoga teaching, July baby, Cancerian moon maiden, born and bred in Perth,
who moved to Melbourne nearly 9 years ago and has a bit of a thing for motorcycles ;)
In the spiritual world,
the "who am I?" question makes me a seeker of the truth, has lead me down the personal development road
and taught me to be a student of life.
On the most basic of levels,
I am a soul who simply wishes to be happy and make a positive difference in the world.
The big question has led me down many a diverse and wandering path, from religious groups to promoting night clubs.
But the real journey began after a health crisis turned my life upside down over 10 years ago.
This is when the journey got serious.
A temperamental thyroid became my best teacher as it made me start looking for answers from within rather than without.
Bit by bit I released what didn't serve me physically, a new body awareness that also had me tuned in more and more to the voice within. Following the cues I picked up from within and the unfolding of synchronistic events around me took me around the world and eventually led to me moving to Melbourne.
Quite literally, I had a strong feeling about Melbourne from the moment I landed at the Airport and I moved 2months later. And boy oh boy, has it been a soul searcher's adventure since.
That same strong feeling within, like a light going on, led me to yoga when my health issues flared in 2008.
I had been researching different schools when I heard about Gita, and simply knew I had to do this course when I arrived at their doorstep. It simply answered this very question for me.
I signed up a week later and yoga has since become a daily staple for me.
It's a practice that takes me out of my busy wandering mind and back into my body.
It reconnects me with the simplicity of life through the breath and the innate wisdom that lies in the body and reminds me of the power of being truly present in the moment.
It links the traditional time tested knowledge of the past with the modern world knowledge of science today.
It relaxes, balances, grounds, centres and uplifts me every time.
Gita Style Yoga is the perfect expression for me and my ongoing journey into self awareness.
I had not intended to become a yoga teacher, but how could I not share such empowering knowledge?
It's an empowering journey that I look forward to sharing with you.
You can find out more about Gita Style Yoga here or connect with me on 0408 942 567, email [email protected]
or work with me.