Having moved back "home" after 10 years in Melbourne, I was lucky to land on my feet with teaching, but I still didn’t feel settled. I was missing my soul family and the Gita International Yoga teachers where I trained in Melbourne. Flying East once a year just wasn't enough, so it was on my 2016 goals list to do a yoga training and make some soul connections in Perth. I just didn't know which course, or how to connect.
As life often does I was lead to Jo through my friend Laura, who attended Jo’s 2015 TT and was holding yin workshops at Momentum Yoga. I went to them all. My my yin love affair had begun. I loved how yin brought together my two loves - yoga and Chinese Medicine. So, when I heard Jo was returning, I sought her out but the TT was sold out.
But, when something is meant to be it will find a way to happen.
I originally planned to go to the Malaysian MotoGP that same weekend. However, every plan I tried to make kept falling through. Luckily I had put my name on the TT waitlist and one morning received an email to say a spot was available if I wanted it. As clear as a Perth day, I knew in my heart in that moment I had to go. My heart leapt at the thought and I knew the GP plans hadn't worked out for this very reason.
And of course, it was the best experience ever!!!
I learnt a ton along with 50 other teachers, I made some beautiful soul connections and ended 2016 feeling like I had finally settled in Perth.
It was the perfect reminder to....
Make your intentions mindfully,
for energy follows thought...
What we think we create!
So finally, here is a video tutorial of Walk the Elephant to inspire your home practice, with instructions and added suggestions below to help you vary the flow according to your needs.
Start with your feet a little wider than hip width apart.
Hands just in front of the solar plexus, often referred to in yin as the Dantian.
Inhale and circle your arms out to the side and up above the crown to Cultivate Chi.
(Chi, or Qi, is the subtle energy within every living thing, called by many names including ki in Japan and prana in yoga)
Exhale and squat into Open Horse, the feet pivot so the knees bend over the feet, the tailbone sinks down spine upright, whilst you push the palms out to the side extending the arms at shoulder height.
Pause here and inhale.
Exhale folding forward from the hips into Elephant, moving feet and bending knees as feels right for you, especially if you have tight hamstrings and tend to round the back in forward folds. Aim for the spine to lengthen out of the hips with head, neck, shoulders and arms relaxed.
Inhale, taking the left hand to the floor as you twist to the right into Twisting Elephant.
The right hand reaches up for the ceiling and/or as far back as feels good. Use a block or bolster on the floor for the lower hand to help maintain a long spine, if the floor is inaccessible.
Exhale, return to Elephant.
Inhale and repeat Twisting Elephant to the left, right hand to the floor (block or bolster) with left hand reaching up.
Exhale, to Elephant.
Inhale taking the left hand to the left foot or leg (same side) as you twist, the right arm reaching up and/or as far back as feels good into Reaching Elephant.
Exhale, to Elephant.
Inhale, right hand goes to the right foot or leg as you twist to the left into Reaching Elephant.
Exhale, to Elephant.
Inhale, the left hand moves to the right foot or leg (opposites) as you twist into Arching Elephant, right hand reaching up and/or as far back as is comfortable.
Exhale, to Elephant.
Inhale, the right hand moves to the left leg or foot as you twist to the left into Arching Elephant.
Exhale, to Elephant.
Inhale, draw in your abdominals to support the spine as you curl up, scooping energy up in your hands from the earth to the sky, raising the arms above the crown of the head with palms facing down.
Exhale, allowing your hands to float back down to the Dantian in front of the solar plexus.
I would love to hear if you gave it a go, how did it feel or do you have any questions?
And if you’d like to learn more of these, pop a YES! in the comments below.
Happy Practicing!