It's about the law of attraction, and I realised the other day, after a student asked about my tattoos, that this movie is partly responsible for me becoming a yoga teacher!
Strange story, but you see, I have one tattoo from 2003 of a moon surrounded by waves representing my star sign, Cancer, a water sign ruled by the moon. And around it is a cuff-like tattoo I got in 2007 of 8 number 8s that are meant to look like ripples in water to represent impermanence and to remind me of a turning point in my life.
Yep, probably not the turning point you were thinking it would be.
It was around the time I was told my audition was successful and I was invited to the show's taping in two weeks,
I had watched the movie, The Secret.
Excitedly I told my friend about it and we started to actively visualise.
By actively, I mean we got clear on what we wanted to have happen, and then we visualised it repeatedly along with the feelings we would experience in that moment. So we decided I would be the contestant called up, as she didn't want to and I was doing this for my folks. We then visualised ourselves high fiving each other after winning $100,000 and every time we saw each other we would high five each other and say "$100,000" recreating this moment.
We had a lot of fun doing this!
Funnily, my friend hadn't even seen the show yet! So one night she sat with her dad to watch it, when he said to her, if Tash has $200,000 in her case and you have $100,00 in yours, you'll get an offer of $150,000 guaranteed.
So then we upped the anti and started visualising that as well!
A bit of a side note, but an important part of the story, the night before the filming day, I lay in bed asking myself what number I would choose (I have a few lucky numbers) if I was called up. I remember this moment as if it was yesterday. The number 8 came to me and I thought to myself I should write it down, the pen and paper were right beside me, but then I tell myself I won't forget as it's my birthdate.
BUT, of course, the next day in all the excitement of being in the studio and watching the shows being taped the number 18 got stuck in my head after my friend mentioned the number during one of the games.
After watching 3 games being taped, the moment they called me out as the next contestant was so surreal. I remember us jumping up hugging and saying to my friend "We did it!", which you can actually hear me say in the show. As they prepped me with mics and make up etc, I was racking my mind about what number to pick as I knew 18 wasn't quite right but it was stuck in my head. It didn't help that the adrenaline was well and truly pumping and the number 18 case was right up the front. So when they asked, I said 18.
I remember looking up at the sea of other cases before me to pick my first one to open and the number 8 was shining brightly. And it had the $200K in it! Not the best way to start but at this stage I had completely forgotten what we had been visualising and that I was supposed to have picked the number 8 as my case.
I lost almost all the big cases in the first couple of rounds, except the $100,000, so I kept playing on, and the deals started to get bigger and bigger as the $100K stayed on. Until we were down to the last two cases, $100,000 and $5,000, my number 18 and my friend with number 2. It was at this moment that I remembered we had been visualising she would have the $100K and I would have the $200K, which I would have had had I chosen number 8!
Hence, I took the deal and though it wasn't the $100,000 we visualised, we still walked away with a mega $48,000.
And yes, she did have the $100K.
After splitting it with my friend, I was shocked to realise I had received the exact amount I needed to pay off my debt, do all I wanted to that year and get ahead with some savings, all that I had written in a prayer and hidden at the start of the year... Apparently my manifesting had started a lot earlier than I realised.
So how is this all related to me becoming a yoga teacher??
Basically, I realised after sharing my tattoos and this story with my students, if it hadn't been for this win, I would not have been in the financial position or had the space to even consider the teacher training when it came up. A training I initially I enrolled in for my own personal development and health with no intention of teaching.
Hence, it seems the universe had other intentions!
Whenever I think back over this story it always serves to remind me of 3 valuable things...
1) We are powerful manifestors and co-creators in this world.
What we think matters, our thoughts are powerful. As we say in yoga, Energy follows thought.
2) Always trust your intuition and do what it tells you.
This is what lead me to get the 8 number 8s tattoo so I never forget. Though I still often do :)
3) Everything happens for a reason
Even if we may not realise it at the time, everything is unfolding perfectly.
4) Magic happens
I'm only one of millions of stories I am sure as living proof that it does. Don't stop believing!