If you've on my mailing list or been attending my classes in Melbourne, then this won't be news to you.
I actually left Melbourne on the 13th June 2014, my home of 10years, and I have been driving up the east coast of Australia solo with my heart as my compass in search of a new home for the last 30 something days.
I had every intention of blogging and posting pics along the way, but to be honest, once I hit the road…the words left me.
The purpose of the trip from the very beginning was to reconnect with my Self, my heart and my soul.
And as I embarked on this great soul journey, I found my heart wanted me to …
Focus more on the present moment, unplug from the outer connections and turn within.
So I became ultra conscious of how I spent my time outside of driving.
If I was with others, I was present to them.
If I had a great view before me, I took it all in.
And if I had a space in time, I became very aware to enjoy it and not fill it.
Standing there texting or pulling out the laptop to write a post felt out of place.
And when I did try, no words came.
So much inner inquiry has been happening, there's no words to describe it….yet!
I made it to Cairns on the 17th July, 5 days later than originally planned but just the extra time my heart wanted to really finish the road trip leg of this journey off well. And here I have since been resting and finding my "land" legs again.
As the dust settles, another shift is taking place. It's tangible.
Words are coming back. As is my desire to stoke the fire here in my virtual home once again.
The more stillness I seek, the more the desire grows.
But I find the " heart rules" of the road still apply now.
Be present to the moment, disconnect from the outer distractions, turn inwards.
My heart reminds me of my motto on the road,
"What is for you will not pass you."
And I repeat my mantra,
"Faith, trust & surrender."
With a White Light Healing retreat this weekend, I know the inner journey is to continue for just a little bit longer.
If I've learnt one thing form this trip that I can share with you now, apart from the snippets above, it is that,…
We are so much more connected to one another and this world we live in than we realise and the more we tune in to ourselves the more we tap into the innate wisdom we hold.
It's been a beautiful realisation and one I am grateful to have had the space to experience. And I look forward to sharing with you in up coming posts.
But for now as the sabbatical continues, until the end of the weekend at least,
I'd love to hear from you and what you have been up to whilst I have been away.
Has turning inward energy of winter brought you some beautiful Self-realisations too?
I look forward to hearing from you and sharing more with you soon.
In love and light always,
Ps: Until the next post, here are a few of the highlights
{Sydney Harbour from the Manly ferry; Yoga on the beach; visiting Fraser Island}
You can see more trip pics on Instagram or Facebook where I attempt to keep in touch ;)