Oops. Better late than never right.
{It's called a blue moon when two full moons occur during the same astrological sign}
It had me feeling pretty damn emotional and vulnerable.
But when the "storm" settles, through a lot of yoga and meditation,
I always find these times are pointing me to the same lesson.
{to be honest, all lessons in life are about this really}
That is...
Let go of the little voice, the ego, as the quote suggests, the one that is hurt, defensive and fearful, the small you.
Rather sink beneath all that and connect with the real you,
the spirit deep within,
the part of you that knows the truth and is unaffected and unchanged by all these outer worldly happenings.
You know, the real YOU!
So let's do this.
I encourage you to join me in getting below the mental chatter to live from your heart!
Calm the storm that may be your mental chatter or emotional turmoil by any means that work for you.
For me it is yoga and meditation.
It will be a daily practice.
Sometimes, as for me last week, it may become more of a moment to moment thing.
It will be the little things we do in those moments that matter most.
{Even one conscious breath, or a chat with a conscious friend,
can be all that's needed to give you that sense of reconnection}
Keep on keeping on is the key.
So, how can you do this for you this week?
How do you connect with and love the real you beneath it all?
Please share with us in the comments below if you have something that works for you.
You never know who it may help or inspire!
Wishing you a week of Soulful Heart Centred Living!!
Big love and lots of light for the journey,