Sometimes I think it may be more apt to call my blog Prodigal Yogini with the long hiatus between blogs :)
A heap has happened up the east coast, in Cairns and now in Perth which I so want to share with you. And I will do.
It's been hugely transformational, confronting, emotional. Hence, its been hard to write about it.
Really hard. So hard, I've considered whether all of this (blogging and business) is really for me.
But the universe had other plans and something inside of me (aka my soul) wouldn't let me. I've been reminded time and time again that I can't turn away, and that this hump in the road is very much a part of my journey.
My journey to finding my true voice and soul purpose.
So I am back and facing my blog "block" head on with a little challenge.
Recently when a friend shared this post about the 100 day journal/goals and that it was 100 days to Christmas, it struck a chord with me and got me thinking. The timing was right and I was ready to take on the challenge to finish what has been a huge year for me with a bang. So this Monday when it was 100days to New Years Eve, I posted on my instagram account that I was taking up the challenge for myself.
That is, 100 days of Gita.
Gita is my yoga practice. Gita Style Yoga. It is a practice that is so much more than just on a mat. It is a way of life. A soul calling. Choosing the soul path though easy initially, isn't always so. It has been a relationship that has tested, taught and stretched me in mind, body and soul. Though not a day goes by where I don't fit in at least a little yoga and meditation practice, I'm the first to admit that I experience resistance. But it is because of this resistance and the days I have fallen from the wagon that I know what a difference my practice makes to my life.
In questioning life and my practice, I do enjoy exploring different styles and other movement practices, but there is simply nothing that I find that leaves me feeling the way I do at the end of a Gita class.
So over the next 100 days I have made a promise to myself to practice the full Gita sequence everyday along with this Chakra Cleanse Meditation as a way to strengthen my own practice and reaffirm why I love it so much. And as I do, I look forward to finding my mojo again in writing by sharing with you all the little and big things I love about Gita.
So will you join me in setting yourself a 100 day goal too? Let's do this together. It doesn't have to be yoga related. Just something you would love to achieve before the year is out. It always helps to share it with others, so why not comment below. And with the New Moon tomorrow, there is no better time to set your intentions than now.
Thanks for taking this journey with me,