What can I say about these?
I love them!
It's such a freeing movement.
In day two I mentioned the muscles going in several different directions around the torso and abdominals, such as the obliques, but there are also the intercostal muscles between the ribs, hence this is another great movement to open these up. It also frees up the spine, all the muscles around the torso as well as the shoulders and if you like to visualise it can be great for cleansing the energy around you as you sweep it with your arms.
It is yoga to me in motion. You're aware of the whole body at once, watching the hands, feeling the spine, grounded through the feet, breath flowing, full awareness of your Self, as well as having to be aware of the things around you!
This is the joy of experiencing union.
{I believe sports people would liken it to being in the zone}
Things to think about:
Is it the same for you?
Are you completely in the moment?
Or do you find your mind distracted?
Noticing the distraction can a good sign, as it brings you back to the present moment, even if only briefly.
As the arms settle, allow your mind to simply be in the body?
What do you sense?
Tingling? Warmth?
Do you feel the fullness of the breath?
When we have bad posture, or slouch often the muscles around and between the ribs and torso shorten, making breathing shallower, i.e. less vitality for the body.
Loosening these muscles through this movement allows them to expand more freely with the breath.
Observe it for yourself. Before you do the swings, even before you start your stretches in the morning, pause for a moment, tune into your body, watch the breath, notice your muscles, and then do the practice.
Then Pause Again.
Tune into your body, watch the breath, notice your muscles…Do you feel the subtle changes?
Keep practising.
Keep taking these moments for you.
You're awarenesses will deepen with time.
May you move better, feel better and think better as a result,
PS: I'd love to hear how you are going, drop me a line in the comments below.
Have you watched all the videos? Are you stringing them together or fitting them in where you can?
Hope you are enjoying the "excuse" to pause and practice.