I hope it's a little easier to watch the videos now that I have made a few changes in the "studio"
{I am in real dire need of a good camera man} ;)
So are you finding it easy enough to get moving in the morning with the lying/bed stretches?
How do you find this making a difference to your day?
I'd love to hear from you.
Yoga is something we all commonly think of as what we do on the mat, but really it is a way of life.
Yoga means union, which implies wholeness. Connection of mind and body, body and spirit.
But our busy lifestyles and busy modern worlds often have us very disconnected to the body as we get stuck in our thoughts and what can sometimes be mindless endless chatter. It is said that we have something in the range of 70,000 thoughts a day, with 80% of them being repeats from the past.
So the aim here is to have you more connected to your body. To start to live from there.
When we tune into the body, the mental chatter starts to quieten as we are focussed on what is going on within rather than externally. And it is in that inner stillness that the true voice of our heart and soul can be heard. We then start to make better choices for ourselves, based on the feedback we are getting from our body. Even more motivation to have an efficient working nervous system.
These morning stretches are a great way to tune into the body and an even better way to start the day, setting the intention that what is going on within is important to you.
My hope is that you will feel the benefits from continued practice and find it easy to maintain at least these first few days of stretches every day or that you will find yourself connecting within more and more throughout the day.
So enjoy your stretch!
Have a wonderful day & I look forward to seeing you tomorrow,