Having some big decisions to make in my life, whilst wanting to put all of my energy into this challenge has not been easy.
And I had to fess up to that.
I could no longer ignore my heart pleading for me to pause and ponder my own life and how its best for me to move forward to serve not only you but also my Self as I prepare to move home and possibly more.
One thing I find when I don't take this time to pause, is that the thoughts escalate, along with the stress, further increasing the need to get grounded.
Get out of the head and reconnect to the body.
Even better, to reconnect to the earth.
So in today's challenge I do just that, encouraging you to get back out in nature, bare feet on the ground and practice some stronger standing poses.
I do a short warrior sequence in the video, however as it started to rain on me I'm doing it a little quicker than I would normally. You can swap this with the side bends in the limbering sequence when you want a change.
Feel the connection of your feet on the earth. Keep the legs strong through the sequence, and tune into your body.
When we move in this way, we naturally lengthen and adjust as we listen to the needs of the body.
We are able to enjoy the simplicity of being fully present in the body and in the moment.
Though moving a little quicker, I definitely enjoyed practicing in nature, and even the cleansing rain, undisturbed by the walkers and cars passing by ;)
And it's in those moments when the mind is still that clarity and answers often come forth.
Like that moment just as you lock the house door after minutes of rushing around to get ready.
There is a moment of stillness and clarity and it's often then that we remember something forgotten, or something we had trouble recalling earlier.
So watch the video and make a plan for how and when you can integrate the practice into your day.
Even if you can't get out to nature, it is still very grounding to work with the warrior practice.
Enjoy and see you tomorrow,