Today I have a confession to make.
This video nearly didn't happen at all and may be the last "video" of the challenge.
{Hopefully not, read on to find out why}
I created "5mins for you" because…
I know the power in tuning into your Self and taking action based on your own inner guidance and truth. The more you tune into the body and the more conscious you are about what you feed it in terms of food, thoughts, actions and environments, the stronger the inner guidance becomes for we draw not only from our mind, but also the immense wisdom of the cells of the body too.
I hope you've been finding this occurring for you as a "side effect" of tuning into your body more through the practices.
Well, now it is time for me to practice what I preach, even more so than previously.
I need to pull back the reigns in areas of my life as I have some huge decisions to make in the next few weeks due to a big move, and my heart is asking me to find more time to be still in order that my next choice is directed from within.
There's been quite a long time lag between hearing this message and truly honouring it.
And a tonne of lessons in between.
As I write this tears well in my eyes, as I realise how long I have been pushing past this message convincing myself somehow that what I was doing was enough to heed it.
It probably started sometime in my relationship and then continued as I pushed to survive once my heart broke in two and the material stability of my life crumbled away. Pushing to get back on my feet, to regain some stability, to be strong and self sufficient once again, in order to make a home for myself again somewhere. Most probably fuelled by the lil story that plays in my head that goes a little something like this,
"I am a failure".
I know this ain't the truth, but it's there when I think about where I am in my life at this time compared to where I thought I would be, when I consider the possibility of moving back home to the folks, of starting again from scratch, of stepping away from the business, or the possibility of not completing the 30days of this challenge.
But as my fourth move in 8 months draws nearer, my heart is calling out for me to hit pause on the extra curricular activities, to practice some forgiveness and to know that listening to my heart is far from failure, but exactly what this life lesson is here to strengthen.
I realise now how naive I was with the process of producing this course with videos.
But I also acknowledge that I wouldn't have achieved this much if I hadn't taken that first leap of faith.
However, a data allowance limit maxed, visits to numerous libraries, borrowing friend's net access and staying back at work in a swelteringly hot staff room to use the work wifi, has seen me spending hours and many a late night, in attempts to upload the videos, on top of writing the blogs, filming and editing….and nothing is ever filmed in just one take, unfortunately. Though sometimes we get lucky ;)
So in a bold move of self love and acceptance, I need to face my fears of failure of being a quitter and a failure and confess that I can't finish the challenge for the 30days as I had intended & give you 100% whilst attempting to make some big decisions in my life and move at the same time.
I will continue to the 21day mark, allowing me a 10day sabbatical to pack before I must move from my current living arrangement and to prepare for the next step in my life, wherever that may be, and I will do my best to get videos uploaded for you, universe permitting.
Fingers crossed there aren't any more days like yesterday… Two hours sweating it out waiting for 5% to upload with the computer saying it was going to take over 1100mins to upload the rest. Then coming home to discover my own connection wasn't working.
However, interestingly, once I decided I would pull back and get honest with you, the internet worked and the video uploaded no problem.
I'm hoping this means the last few videos can be easily uploaded for you without the past issues I've been experiencing.
So, go on, watch the video, take the challenge and this opportunity to pause & connect with you, & stop for a moment to hear what message your soul has for you today.
Thank you for being a part of this "5mins for you" challenge so far, I'm sincerely sorry I can not fulfil my promise at this time, and I hope you understand.
Besides the challenges on other fronts, I have been learning a tonne and enjoyed bringing them to you.
And know this is definitely something I would love to do again when circumstances allow me to be 100% present to the process and prepared.
Hope you too have enjoyed the challenge.
Even more so I hope you will continue the practices well past however many days the challenge may be :)
See you over the next 4 days.
Infinite gratitude and love,
Ps: I am still running the giveaway of a 1hr* yoga coaching session with me for one lucky participator.
So, I'd love you to comment below about how your practice has been evolving!
{*1.5hr Skype call for interstate or international participant}