Yesterday I gave you an excuse to watch TV.
Not something I do a lot of myself or promote often, but a useful excuse to sit on the floor and work with the hips.
So today I am giving you even more excuses to stay there for a lil while longer,
2mins at least to practice along with me as you watch today's video ;)
The more time we spend reminding the hips that they move in more than just two directions the better.
Our bodies are a whole unit, when muscles don't function as they are meant to they put undue pressure on other muscles to perform actions that they were not designed to do and all matter of issues can arise from here.
Hence it is important for us to keep the body strong and flexible and access all directions of movement possible.
So when you can, incorporate this awareness into your day.
As with the other awarenesses and practices shared thus far, each only takes a minute or two really, but over time those minutes or two here and there taken throughout the day and spread over the course of a week, a month and a year add up to freedom of movement, greater mindfulness and deeper sense of wellbeing.
And this is my wish for you through this 30day challenge.
The challenge isn't always about the physical movement but rather getting over the mental chatter that tells us we can't do it, we don't have time, it isn't important, blah blah blah…
The challenge for me hasn't been about the physical practice, I can't get up without first moving in some way to stretch and open the body. It has become a more natural way of being for me.
The challenge for me has been about stepping up, confronting my fears and insecurities and getting in front of the camera each day to make these videos for you.
So each of us in our own way is challenging an old belief, creating new habits and stepping into a new way of being.
I truly hope you are gaining some new insights and awarenesses from these daily videos and blogs, and reconnecting with your bodies in new and exciting ways each day.
Even if it is just one movement that you are managing to consistently integrate into your everyday, that is a wonderful start, and every step taken should be celebrated.
So if you have something you'd like to celebrate or you have a road block you'd like me to help you overcome, please either email me or comment below.
I love hearing from you and look forward to seeing you tomorrow.