I'm honoured to be holding this sacred circle for the special young womxn in your life.
This rite of passage for them is such a significant one that I really believe deserves the space and celebration this circle will be for it. My intention is that your young womxn will walk away with a deeper understanding of what is happening, how special this time is in their lives and how to honour it and deepen their own connection with themselves.
This I believe will be life changing not only for them, but for your relationships with them and healing for womxn far and wide.
Your circle date: Sunday 10th October 2021
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Please arrive on time or a little early as we have much to cover in our circle.
Parents and caregivers are welcomed to circle at 3.45pm for the celebratory afternoon tea.
Please note, you will be given a handout with questions to reflect on and answer which you may like to complete on your own or with the other parents/caregivers whilst you are waiting to join the circle. There will be a point in time during the circle where you will be asked to share your reflections, wisdom and/or wishes for the girls to help the girls feel supported and remember that they are not alone, and that all womxn before them have been through the same experience.
Private Circle Fee is $100/parent child pair
Payments to secure your circle may be made by bank transfer into the account below, or sent via ($100 + $3 transaction fee)
including your name or child's name in the description/notes for easy reference.
(Natasha Tay ING, Bsb: 923 100 A/c: 33947168)
Finally, please take a moment to complete the form below to let me know a little more about you and your young womxn.
I appreciate hearing from you before the 10th September to assist with my preparation and meeting you all in person Sunday 10th October 2021.
Love, Light and Power,
Tash x
I'm honoured to be holding this sacred circle for the special young womxn in your life.
This rite of passage for them is such a significant one that I really believe deserves the space and celebration this circle will be for it. My intention is that your young womxn will walk away with a deeper understanding of what is happening, how special this time is in their lives and how to honour it and deepen their own connection with themselves.
This I believe will be life changing not only for them, but for your relationships with them and healing for womxn far and wide.
Your circle date: Sunday 10th October 2021
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Please arrive on time or a little early as we have much to cover in our circle.
Parents and caregivers are welcomed to circle at 3.45pm for the celebratory afternoon tea.
Please note, you will be given a handout with questions to reflect on and answer which you may like to complete on your own or with the other parents/caregivers whilst you are waiting to join the circle. There will be a point in time during the circle where you will be asked to share your reflections, wisdom and/or wishes for the girls to help the girls feel supported and remember that they are not alone, and that all womxn before them have been through the same experience.
Private Circle Fee is $100/parent child pair
Payments to secure your circle may be made by bank transfer into the account below, or sent via ($100 + $3 transaction fee)
including your name or child's name in the description/notes for easy reference.
(Natasha Tay ING, Bsb: 923 100 A/c: 33947168)
Finally, please take a moment to complete the form below to let me know a little more about you and your young womxn.
I appreciate hearing from you before the 10th September to assist with my preparation and meeting you all in person Sunday 10th October 2021.
Love, Light and Power,
Tash x